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Great content material and it could be so useful for me. It is strange that your blog is messy by my explorer. It it my exploer difficulty? However, it turns normal when I browse through other blogs.cure acne naturally [url=http://www.bestnaturalacn]cure acne naturally[/url]
P.S. You came down on me like the ocean! Ha ha:DD
Hi there! No, no, ha ha! I think we may have simply gotten off on the wrong foot. Maybe just a simple misunderstanding:p It's funny, really. But now I'm soooooo curios as to WHICH layout I made the comment about. I remember that probably the 'worst' comment I made about a layout here was that one of them was 'uninspired'. That was the word I used. But I think I smoothed it over a little in the rest of the comment (or tried to, but if the layout was yours then obviously I failed). Will you tell me what the layout was so I can see my comment? I guess I'd better be a little more careful about the say things. I need to work on that. There's always room for self-improvement(: Also, please remember what I said: I would LOVE for you to critique my work-the bitter with sweet:D Personally, that's why I'm here-to improve, learn, share....and make COMMENTS! Ha ha! I collect them ALL (along with WINKS):p
My name is Lana,btw ;-)
I've just looked back over your work and all of it is really beautiful. I must've made 'one' comment on 'one' layout out of 50 layouts that I loved, and you take it too far.
I'm sorry for any comments I made regarding your layouts that may have 'insulted' or hurt your feelings. But you put the layouts up there in the public domain. Now, my comments are constructive. You mistakenly took them as 'bitter' and 'insulting'. I'm not trying to 'insult you. I don't even 'know' you. Why would I try to 'hurt' you?? And to what end? Also, I'm pretty sure I've left some positive comments about your work, too, but you've chosen to focus on the negative. And yes, I DO have layouts and graphics that I've submitted WEEKS ago. I can't make these people move any faster; I have to wait around until they get around to looking at it. Either that or go someplace else, which I'm considering doing. But in any event, you are more than welcomed to comment on my work if they ever get around to looking at it and some of it is approved.
Thanks for the comment on my Paramore Layout. I'll probably go fix those mistakes this coming weekend. :D
I am using 1.0. I already have it up... But the thing is that what I put where you are able to type things... well.... everything also shows up on the very bottom of the page.
Oh my. Lol.. That completly slipped my mind. Sorry for that :D
The layout that I am talking about is "She Lives in a World of Magic"
I really like this...I awnted to see how it would look as my profile page and I put everything I wanted but like where the photo ends I have things showing...Like everything I put. Why is that??
haha i just knew, i don't how but i did.
esp since avril's song for it came out and i seen where you made avril layouts before so yeah (:
Your layouts are gorgeous. I've used nearly every one at some point or another.
Thought I'd let you know.
Keep making them! :D
I used to have that problem but I figured out a sort of system that hasn't failed me in a long time. I haven't made a layout that involves them in forever, so I probably forgot what I usually do. D:
I always suggest going for rollovers and such, especially with a layout like that. Not many standard fonts go well with a soft theme. It's more work, but it's usually worth it.
Gah, that's nuts. I actually scrapped a layout I tried to make for that song. I was going for a sketchy, French fashion drawing type of feel, but it didn't work out. D:
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